i woke up early this morning to some contractions.
they were fairly regular, so we called our midwives and the grandparents.
once i got up, the baby activity slowed down.
by 2:00 pm, we decided that labor was not progressing, so the midwives returned home.
so i'm calling this preparatory labor.
it sounds so much better than false labor.
and really, i believe it's all working together to bring this baby to join our family.
it has been a good day.
i'm not disappointed or frustrated at all.
God's timing is in the works and we can trust Him!
so please keep us in your prayers as we wait and trust this baby to arrive in God's timing.
love in Him,
Thanks for the update, I have been wondering. Glad you are all doing well!! Can't wait for the next update that Baby Milligan has arrived! Our Aiden arrived last Friday Sept. 10th- we're all doing well. I will get a blog up soon. Prayers your way!!
Hey! Send me a note at erin at bulknaturalfoods.com. We'd love to hear about your new baby!
Tim & Erin
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