momma got a nap with the little milligans.
the rest of the family played and worked outside.
it was a beautiful fall day!
we picked the last of our garden's produce (except for a few green tomatoes left here and there).
cherry tomatoes
the children also helped mark cut out stuff from our lilac bushes - dead branches, mulberries, weeds with burrs. . .
our neighbor girl even helped transport the piles of stuff to the city brush pile.
she joined us for supper too.
we topped off the day with a campfire in the backyard.
mark and hogan worked on carving some bows.
so unless we photograph the garden clean up process (which might not even happen with the arrival of baby milligan???) this is our garden's end for this summer.
here's a look at the corn's final height
it got up to the garage roof!
it got up to the garage roof!
this was owen a couple of weeks ago harvesting tomatoes from his beefsteak plant
given to us by grandma strub
after our heirloom tomatoes didn't survive transplanting
we found 3 big pumpkins hiding by the rhubarb plants
they volunteered themselves from our compost pile
nikao is helping uncover one of them
summer has ended well and we are looking forward to a beautiful fall - our favorite season of all!