owen is climbing a light pole in a church parking lot.
notice able below. in a couple of years he will be up there with owen!
this house selling stuff is crazy. i'm not sure where the summer has gone and what to expect with the rest of it ahead. evenso, we've still had lots of fun and God's streamlining program is working nonetheless. i guess we've hit lots of depths and heights in the whole process. it's been good, bad, ugly, and great. good in that we can always trust God. bad in our responses to His work. ugly in seeing our sin and fleshly spirituality. yet great as the convictions are covered over with His love and the challenges are producing a fruit of desiring Him in a wonderfully refreshing way.
a few highlights of summer so far . . .
you might notice that hogan is missing his 2 front teeth!
sending summer smiles to ya'll from the bunch of us milligans
we'll try to keep you
on our happenings
we'll try to keep you
on our happenings
Looks like a GREAT summer with so much more to look forward to! I love reading your blogs, they are very inspiring and encouraging!
Totally impressed by Owen's climbing abilities ... are you just used to it by now or does your heart still catch in your throat when you see him doing it? Isabelle is in a climbing phase right now. She has no fear. Unfortunately, her mother does not share that trait. I'm always expecting her to fall and bust something open.
You must have a strong prayer life where Owen is concerned! :)
owen started climbing before walking or standing - i think at about 8 months! he follows after his daddy, who at 8 or 9 months or so, pushed a chair to the kitchen counter, climbed the chair, climbed on the counter, and figured out how to get to the cookie jar! hearing stories of what mark was like has been good preparation for our owen boy. i'm learning to relax, but i'm not so sure i'll handle emergencies well. so far owen's physical abilities have not gotten him into serious harm. actually, i think because he has such excellent coordination, i trust him. it's pretty fun growing up with our children!
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