we're winding down from all the excitement of the past few weeks. this has been an incredible ride. we are sooooo thankful that God has given us this time to trust Him and grow as a family. rather than try to reword all my thoughts so late at night, i'll just copy a part of my family newsletter article which summarizes things a bit more sensibly than i can at this moment. hee hee.
we've surprized even ourselves with this month's news. what was supposed to be an uneventful, quiet month of caring for children with the chicken pox, turned into a very full turn of events . . .
kim happened across an interesting property in edgerton. it caught our eye because the yard backs up into a large wooded area just on the edge of town. the house is in need of a bunch of work, but after looking at it with our parents, and considering the asking price, we thought we could make it work. so . .. we make an offer 2 days later. crazy, huh?!?! our offer is contingent upon the sale of our house, so . . . we began the mad rush to complete unfininshed projects, unclutter, and get the house ready to sell. we went back and forth, but finally decided not to do the for-sale-by-owner route. after 2 weeks of intensive work, we listed the house using the buyer's agent as our realtor memorial weekend.
needless to say, we did remain at home through the entire month of may. not only because of homework, but also because we went through 2 rounds of the chicken pox. the children were amazing! we had fun doing special things like watching movies (mark introduced the children to STAR WARS!!! - this also included pulling out our light saber collection - 5 or so of them and one fully functioning homemade by mark back when episode 1 first came out!) we had special snacks - lots and lots of yummy real fruit popsicles, (oh, and uncle joe popcorn to go along with the movies), oatmeal baths complete with a snack of raisins, calamine lotion polka dots and coconut oil massages, and some funny photos and videos of kiddos. they were all wonderful and that aspect of the month seemed somewhat a breeze.
the children have also been wonderful workers and helpers with all the other adventurous happenings.
we have been amazed at how all of this has brought us together and refocused our daily relating. we all feel so free from uncluttering and organizing our home, ordering priorities, deliberately working at clear communication, and just simply waiting to see what God has for our family. (which is really not so simple as it seems here on page because we have been stretched and challenged incredibly in all this. yet it has been SO GOOD!) so we've all determined to be thankful for what God has given us, and what He will do in and with us, and trust Him to let us be content in whatever happens here or there. it's all good! 
i guess i just wanted to update ya'll on the more personal side of things with this praise the Lord post. maybe all of this latest adventure is just to grow us up in Him a bit more. we honestly haven't been content with what He has given us. i think we are learning some important lessons on holding our hands open before the Lord. i read a cool article this past week that seemed to describe my heart in the matter. it said something about not holding an idea too tightly in your hand. instead, give it to the Lord. we should hold things loose enough so that if they fall through our fingers (or don't go the way we hope or plan) that we can trust God's sovreignty. or something like that. anyway . . . i related it to feeling anxious about selling our house. for me, early this week i'd been holding on to our cozy home and not wanting to let it go. but before all this i had been holding on to a dream of land and other stuff and simply not being thankful for the blessings of our current home. hmmm . . . well, my praise is that God is letting me rest in Him without any anxiousness! and i am so enjoying the work that He is accomplishing. that He is setting our family free to know Him more! WOW!
okay. i'll be off now . . .